In 1998 Selina and I met in Tinderet / Kenya at the Diguna Mission, where we both worked in an orphanage. In 2001 I met her again with friends in Nairobi. In the meantime, like me, she had stopped working in the orphanage in Tinderet and was looking for another project. At that point I was helping some pastors to build a new children's home, so I invited her to work with us.
Selina and I were the only single persons in this children's home and because we often sat together in the evenings, we quickly got to know each other better. The rest is history and in 2002 we got married in Kenya.
After our wedding we decided to start our own project for street children in Kisumu. Without money, but with a lot of faith that can move mountains, we signed a sales contract and bought a large area outside of Kisumu. We called ourselves Foundation of Salvation and Restoration Ministry, or FOSAR Ministry for short.
We worked with the street kids in for six years. They lived with us during the time and went to various schools near us. For many of them, we were or still are like replacement parents. When the number of children pushed our capacities to a limit, we sent them back home, but not without continuing the support. Even today, we support many children who live at home with a sponsorship so that they can go to school.
Our goal was to continue serving the people around us. We live in an area where people have very little income. Many women sell their fruits and vegetables at the market and buy dinner from their respective daily proceeds. Only a few can afford to send their children to school. Most state primary schools are also overcrowded, the quality of learning is low and slow learners in particular are neglected.
In 2008 we started a daycare and a kindergarten with one group each. In 2014 we founded a primary school in the Kenyan school system. Since then we have been growing together with the students and today we teach two kindergarten classes and classes 1 to 7 of primary school.

Our church is no longer only managed by Selina. Another pastor from the neighborhood has joined us and relieves us a lot on church and school matters. In addition, other branches of the church and daughter parishes have sprung up.
The most important thing in everything we do is that we have good relationships with people, students and staff and that we can trust each other.
As our name suggests, we want to save, restore, and rebuild human lives by giving perspective through education, meeting everyone with love, and exemplifying a relationship with God, the loving Father in Heaven.
Our vision:
• Establish churches in remote areas and allow churches to join us and work among us
• Offer discipleship training for pastors and people who want to grow in faith
• Offer a sewing training program for girls and women so that they can have a better perspective on their lives