Current projects

Thanks to your donations, it was possible that we were able to build three new classrooms some time ago. In the meantime, they have been plastered and painted, and the children can concentrate on their lessons again with joy. We are very grateful for every donor from you and thank you also on behalf of the staff and students of our school.

We also have some new projects where we need your help:

We want to repair our old school bus. About 20 parents keep asking about it because their children sometimes have to walk to school for twenty minutes or more. About 1000$ will be incurred for this work.

In our second school in Kitui we want to open a boarding school. A classroom is currently being used temporarily. About 15 children are already sleeping in it. Therefore, a brand new building with boarding rooms is to be built. For this we will have to spend 3000$. Because this school is not connected to the power grid, we plan to install a solar system on top of the roof. The pannels and batteries together will cost around 2000$.

Donations for our current projects

Please use this PayPal button to donate specifically for our current projects (the added reference 'current projects' helps us to correctly assign the donations)

Donations for our Sponsorship Program

Please use this PayPal button to donate specifically for the sponsorship program (the added reference 'sponsorship' helps us to correctly assign the donations)

Sponsorship Program

This sponsorship program is intended for children from a socially weak background who are unable to attend school for financial reasons. One USD a day (30 USD a month) is enough to cover the school fees and enable the child to have breakfast and a warm lunch every day. For many of the children, this is not a matter of course. They only eat at home when there is food or money for food. This can be twice, or only once a day.

We are looking for you!

Start supporting one of our children today.

If you like, you can choose one of the children below. Then write an email to and tell us which child you would like to support. You can transfer as normal using the instructions on the left.

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